The important thing to consider is that no college actually offers a course called ‘Communication & Journalism’. For DU aspirants, there is Journalism (Hons.) available after +2. For Mumbai University people, there is a Department of Communication & Journalism, but it only offers Masters and PhD courses in varying fields; ditto for Xavier, which has a Post Graduate diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication. Even the University of Iowa offers BA and BS in Journalism & Mass Communication.
Basically, when we say
Communication Journalism books we refer to a multitude of courses, at different stages of your education, all of which relate in some way to the media industry. Why then, is this umbrella of Communication & Journalism so important?
Today’s world requires the truth. It needs to show the people the place they live in, how it compares to other places, and maybe even give them ready-made conclusions. But this essential thing, the ‘truth’, is everything worth fighting for and proving that it is, in fact, the real deal. But how do you do this? Reporting the news and becoming a journalist?
In fact, the definition of a journalist has never been more flexible; it has also never been more important. You can shout, you can keep your voice down, you can state the plain facts, you can write your most sarcastic take, ANYTHING. You could be anyone; you don’t need to be an employee to find a platform, you can choose your platform. Surely, the age of viral videos has taught us that much? Even Facebook Live has caught moments which have become headlines; you can use anything to show what you want to. You can use this, the written word, to say what the truth actually looks like. If nothing else, there is a reason why a picture is worth a thousand words.
To become all this and to discover just what medium is the best for expressing your views and beliefs, a qualification in any of the varied courses available under Communication & Journalism can help. It isn’t mandatory, yes, but it will help you discover like-minded people, show you the conventional and unconventional modes being used by people in your field, and help you understand just where your place is in Communication & Journalism.
The Department of Communication & Journalism, University of Mysore, has its course details online (Honor’s Degree) for 2011-13. It includes, among other things: Photoshop, Newspaper Design, Newsroom Organization, Advertising, Blogging, Radio Production, Basic shots, movement and angles of Camera, Sound editing, Screenplay, Freedom of Speech & Expression, Writing for TV. Oh, and this all happens by the 2nd semester. Tell me that you can’t see where to go from here, and no course on earth may help you.
Any & every course in Communication & Journalism offers you the chance to do what you like; look at the above to see the tangents from which you can go off on! But all of them have this thing in common: they let you express yourself and be a part of the world in the way you want to be. Heck, you can even be an event manager, and bring a big band or artist to India. That too can be done after a degree in Communication & Journalism.
What will you choose? That, my friend, is your call. All the best
Today’s world requires the truth. It needs to show the people the place they live in, how it compares, and maybe even give them ready-made conclusions. But this essential thing, the ‘truth’, is everything worth fighting for and proving that it is, in fact, the real deal. But how do you do this? Reporting the news and becoming a journalist? What qualifications do you need to report on the truth?
In fact, the definition of a journalist has never been more flexible; it has also never been more important. You can shout, you can keep your voice down, you can state the plain facts, you can write your most sarcastic take, ANYTHING. You could be anyone; you don’t need to be an employee to find a platform, you can choose your platform. Surely, the age of viral videos has taught us that much? Even Facebook Live has caught moments which have become headlines; you can use anything to show what you want to. You can use this, the written word, to say what the truth actually looks like. If nothing else, there is a reason why a picture is worth a thousand words.
To become all this and to discover just what medium is the best for expressing your views and beliefs, a qualification in any of the varied courses available under Communication & Journalism can help. It isn’t mandatory, yes, but it will help you discover like-minded people, show you the conventional and unconventional modes being used by people in your field, and help you understand just where your place is in Communication & Journalism.
Basically, when we say Communication & Journalism, we refer to a multitude of courses, at different stages of your education, all of which relate in some way to the media. Why then, is this umbrella of Communication & Journalism so important?
The important thing to consider is that no college actually offers a course called ‘Communication & Journalism’. For DU aspirants, there is Journalism (Hons.) available after +2. For Mumbai University people, there is a Department of Communication & Journalism, but it only offers Masters and PhD courses in varying fields; ditto for Xavier, which has a Post Graduate diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication. Even the University of Iowa offers BA and BS in Journalism & Mass Communication for undergraduates.
The Department of Communication & Journalism, University of Mysore, has its course details online (Honor’s Degree) for the academic year 2011-13. It includes, among other things: Photoshop, Newspaper Design, Newsroom Organization, Advertising, Blogging, Radio Production, Basic shots, movement and angles of Camera, Sound editing, Screenplay, Freedom of Speech & Expression, Writing for TV. Oh, and this all happens by the 2nd semester.
Any & every course in Communication & Journalism offers you the chance to do what you like; look at the above to see the tangents from which you can go off on! But all of them have this thing in common: they let you express yourself and be a part of the world in the way you want to be. Heck, you can even